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French-English translation for: [e-mail]
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Dictionary French English: [e mail]

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Partial Matches
Cordialement, ...  la fin d'une lettre, d'un e-mail]Regards, ... [at the end of a letter, an e-mail]
objet {m} [dans mémo, e-mail etc.]subject [heading in memo, e-mail etc.]
inform. internet pourriel {m}spam [unsolicited e-mail]
inform. internet télécom. courrier {m} entrant [dossier e-mail]incoming mail
inform. fichier {m} jointattachment [to a letter, report, e-mail]
inform. boîte {f} de réception [dossier e-mail]incoming mail
inform. brouillons {m.pl} [dossier e-mail]drafts [preliminary versions] [Email folder]
internet spam {m}spam [unsolicited e-mail]
hist. mil. vêt. haubert {m}hauberk [chain mail]
levée {f} [de courrier]collection [mail]
recommandé {m}registered post [Br.] [mail]
flot {m} [courrier, réfugiés]flood [mail, refugees]
heures {f.pl} de levéecollection times [mail]
casier {m} [pour le courrier]pigeonhole [for mail]
en Courrier A {adv} [mode d'expédition de lettres] [suisse]first class (delivery) [mail]
hist. mil. vêt. chausses {f.pl}chausses [armour for the legs, usually made from mail]
rétrécissement {m} [p.e. vêtements après le lavage]shrinkage [e.g., clothes after washing]
vers {adv} [temps p.e. 4 heures]approximately [time e.g. 4 o'clock]
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
barre {f} [e.g. de chocolat, de savon, ...]bar [e.g. of chocolate, soap, ...]
en bronze {adj} [p.e. une statue]bronze [e.g. a statue]
chim. dioxyde {m} de carbone [CO2] [E-290]carbon dioxide [CO2] [E-290]
alim. chim. dioxyde {m} de silicium [SiO2] [E-551]silicon dioxide [SiO2] [E-551]
zool. T
zool. T
chim. gaz {m} carbonique [CO2] [E-290]carbon dioxide [CO2] [E-290]
cuis. saccharine {f} [E-954]saccharin [E-954]
serrant {adj} {pres-p}clasping [e.g. hands]
meuble {adj}loose [e.g. earth]
ind. industriel {adj}mass [e.g. production]
meuble {adj}movable [e.g. asset]
désordonné {adj} {past-p}muddled [e.g. thoughts]
parcellaire {adj}patchy [e.g. knowledge]
parcellaire {adj}piecemeal [e.g. approach]
cuis. découenné {adj}rindless [e.g. bacon]
cuis. laminé {adj} {past-p}rolled [e.g. pastry]
meub. superposable {adj}stackable [e.g. chairs]
méd. réceptif {adj}susceptible [e.g. to infection]
carillonnerto peal [e.g. bells]
serpenterto wind [e.g. path]
alim. chim. Astaxanthine {m}astaxanthin <AXT> [E-161j]
alim. biochim. chim. glycérine {f} [E-422] [C3H8O3]glycerin
alim. biochim. chim. glycérine {f} [E-422] [C3H8O3]glycerol
alim. biochim. pharm. natamycine {f} [C33H47NO13] [E-235]natamycin
transfèrement {m}relocation [e.g. refugees]
alim. saccarine {f} [C7H5NO3S] [E-954]saccharin
cuis. épaississement {m}setting [e.g. jam]
lourdaud {adj} [esprit]dull [e.g. spirit]
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