| French  | English |  |
 | creux {adj} [discours] | 2 empty [lacking meaning] |  |
 | ardent {adj} [défense, discours, appel] | impassioned |  |
 | beau {adj} [temps, spécimen, discours, projet] | fine |  |
 | boursouflé {adj} [discours] [aussi : boursoufflé] | bombastic |  |
 | décousu {adj} [histoire, discours, exposé, conversation] | rambling |  |
 | enfiévré {adj} [discours] | fiery |  |
 | enflammé {adj} {past-p} [discours] [fig.] | impassioned |  |
 | exalté {adj} {past-p} [discours, esprit] | impassioned |  |
 | filandreux {adj} [discours] | long-winded |  |
 | improvisé {adj} [discours] | extemporaneous |  |
 | improvisé {adj} [discours] | unscripted |  |
 | improvisé {adj} [discours] | ad-lib |  |
 | larmoyant {adj} [discours] | maudlin |  |
 | lourdaud {adj} [discours] | clumsy |  |
 | mobilisateur {adj} [slogan, discours] | rousing |  |
 | journ. RadioTV orienté {adj} {past-p} [idéologiquement - discours, journal] | biased |  |
 | journ. RadioTV orienté {adj} {past-p} [idéologiquement - discours, journal] | slanted [biased] |  |
 | pâteux {adj} [discours, style] | turgid |  |
 | ling. plat {adj} [texte, discours] | dull |  |
 | préparé {adj} {past-p} [discours] | scripted [planned] |  |
 | ronflant {adj} [péj.] [discours] | bombastic |  |
 | ronflant {adj} [péj.] [discours] | high-flown |  |
 | sobre {adj} [discours, récit, langage] | low-key |  |
 | tonitruant {adj} {pres-p} [discours] | barnstorming |  |
 | vibrant {adj} [discours, notes] | vibrant |  |
Verbs |
 | articuler qc. [idées, discours] | to structure sth. [ideas, speech] |  |
 | composer qc. [discours] | to write sth. |  |
 | délayer qc. [discours] | to drag sth. out [speech] |  |
 | écourter qc. [discours, texte] | to shorten sth. |  |
 | enguirlander qc. [vieilli] [discours, récit] [enjoliver] | to pretty sth. up [in talking] |  |
 | entonner qc. [thème, discours] | to launch into sth. [e.g. discussion] |  |
 | orienter qc. [rendre partial - discours] | to give a bias to sth. |  |
 | orienter qc. [rendre partial - discours] | to give a slant to sth. [bias] |  |
 | passer [commentaires, discours, critiques] | to go down well [speech] |  |
 | raccourcir qc. [texte, discours] | to cut sth. [e.g. a speech] |  |
 | répéter (qc.) [musique, discours, théâtre] | to rehearse (sth.) |  |
 | mus. théâtre répéter qc. [musique, discours, théâtre] | to study sth. [rehearse] |  |
 | tenir qc. [prononcer - discours] | to give sth. [speech] |  |
Nouns |
 | édition amputation {f} [de discours, texte] | drastic cut |  |
 | clinquant {m} [de discours] [fig.] | cheap rhetoric |  |
 | compliment {m} [petit discours] | (nice little) speech |  |
 | conférence {f} [discours] | lecture |  |
 | éloge {m} [discours] | eulogy |  |
 | orateur {m} [personne qui prononce un discours] | speaker [at a conference etc.] |  |
 | ling. littérat. rhét. philippique {f} [discours violent et satirique] | Philippic |  |
 | sobriété {f} [discours, critique] | moderation |  |
 | littérat. tendance {f} [d'un livre, d'un discours] | tenor [of a book, speech] |  |
 | tirade {f} [discours] | tirade |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | de circonstance {adj} [discours] | ad hoc |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | être prêt [discours, programme, exposé] | to be done [work] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours, texte] | to affect sth. [concern] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours, texte] | to strike sth. [impact, affect] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours, texte] | to pertain to sth. |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours] | to purport sth. |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours] | to center around sth. [Am.] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours] | to centre around sth. [Br.] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours] | to pivot on sth. [also fig.] |  |
 | porter sur qc. [discours] | to revolve around sth. [fig.] [question, problem] |  |
 | s'ouvrir sur qc. [discours] | to open with sth. |  |
 | se résumer [texte, pensée, discours] | to be summed up |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Écoute la suite. [du discours] | Listen to what comes next. |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | hist. F Je fais un rêve. [nom donné au discours prononcé par Martin Luther King Jr. (1963)] | I Have a Dream. [Martin Luther King Jr. speech title (1963)] |  |