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French-English translation for: [cake:]
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Dictionary French English: [cake ]

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Partial Matches
cuis. gâteau {m} opéraopera cake [French cake with layers of almond sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup]
cuis. gâteau {m} aux fruits secscake with dried fruits [e.g. British Christmas cake, Scottish Dundee cake]
cuis. biscôme {m} [suisse]gingerbread [cake]
cuis. génoise {f}[type of sponge cake]
cuis. glacer qc. [gâteau]to ice sth. [cake]
cuis. petits gâteaux {m.pl}cakes [pieces of cake]
cuis. nappage {m} [résultat]icing [on a cake]
cuis. pain {m} d'épicelebkuchen [gingerbread cake]
cuis. pâtisserie {f} [petit gâteau]pastry [small cake]
cuis. étage {m} [de gâteau]tier [of cake]
cuis. démoulage {m} [de pâtisserie]turning out [cake]
cuis. morceau {m} [de gâteau, tarte]wedge [of cake, pie]
cuis. petit pâté {m}patty [Am.] [burger, flat cake of food]
cuis. galette {f} des Roistwelfth night cake [Three Kings cake]
cuis. relig. gâteau {m} des Rois [mérid.] [galette des rois]Twelfth Night cake [Three Kings cake]
cuis. gâteau {m} de BattenbergBattenberg [also: Battenburg] [classic British cake]
cuis. part {f} [gâteau, etc.]slice [cake etc.]
cuis. relig. colombe {f} de Pâques[an Italian cake moulded in the shape of a dove and traditionally served at Easter]
éduc. tourteau {m} fromagé [aussi : tourteau fromager][traditional cheese cake from Poitou using goat's cheese]
cuis. millefeuille {m}millefeuille [small layered cake made of puff pastry filled with custard and cream]
cuis. mignardises {f.pl} [pâtisserie]petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee]
cuis. mignardise {f} [souvent : mignardises]petit four [small sweet biscuit or cake, served after dinner or with coffee]
cuis. glacé {adj} {past-p} [boisson : très froid ; gâteau : avec une couche de glaçage]iced [esp. Br.] [fig.] [drink: chilled; cake: frosted with thin sugary coating]
cuis. pouding {m} chômeur [can.]poor man's pudding [Canadian speciality: basic cake batter onto which a hot syrup or caramel is poured before baking]
satisfaction {f} de le beurre et de l'argent du beurre [loc.]cakeism [Br.] [having it both ways] [wanting to have a cake and to eat it too]
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