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French-English translation for: [belge]
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Dictionary French English: [belge]

Translation 1 - 50 of 138  >>

French English
septante [belge] [suisse]
contre {adj} [belge] [porte : entrouvert]ajar
endéans {prep} [belge]within [temporal]
nonante [belge] [suisse]ninety
nonantième {adj} [suisse] [belge]ninetieth
octante [vieilli] [suisse] [belge]eighty
blinquer [belge]to shine
éduc. bloquer [fam.] [belge] [étudier]to cram [coll.] [for examination]
déjeuner [belge] [suisse] [can.] [Est de la France]to (have / eat) breakfast
météo. dracher [belge] [nord de la France] [pleuvoir abondamment]to piss down [Br.] [vulg.] [to rain heavily]
météo. dracher [belge] [nord de la France] [pleuvoir abondamment]to pour down [rain heavily]
instiguer qn. [belge] [inciter]to incite sb.
sonner qn. [belge] [appeler]to telephone sb.
cuis. souper [can.] [suisse] [belge]to dine
tenir qc. [belge] [collectionner]to collect sth.
déjeuner {m} [belge] [suisse] [can.]
appropriation {f} [belge]cleaning
appropriation {f} [belge]clean-up
éduc. athénée {f} [belge] [lycée]grammar school [Br.]
transp. urban aubette {f} [belge]bus shelter
trafic urban aubette {f} [belge]tram shelter
éduc. auditoire {m} [belge] [suisse] [salle de conférence, amphithéâtre]lecture hall
baraki {m} [belge] [fam.] [péj.]hick [coll.] [pej.]
cuis. bistouille {f} [belge] [nord de France][hot coffee with alcoholic spirit added]
boiler {m} [belge] [anglicisme] [chauffe-eau à accumulation]hot-water boiler
cuis. bonbon {m} [belge] [biscuit]biscuit [Br.]
cuis. bonbon {m} [belge] [biscuit]cookie [Am.]
pol. bourgmestre {m} [belge] [lux.]burgomaster
pol. bourgmestre {m} [belge] [lux.]mayor
comm. géogr. braderie {f} [nord de la France] [belge] [lux.] [foire en plein air]braderie [grand yearly street fair & market found in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Northern France]
ling. brusseleir {m} [belge] [aussi : brusseler, brusseleer, brusselair][typical Brussels dialect]
cuis. caliches {f.pl} [belge]licorice [Am.]
cuis. caliches {f.pl} [belge]liquorice [Br.]
carabistouille {f} [fam.] [belge]nonsense
cuis. chiclette {f} [suisse] [belge] [gomme à mâcher]bubble gum
cuis. chiclette {f} [suisse] [belge] [gomme à mâcher]chewing gum
bot. cuis. chicon {m} [belge, Nord de la France]chicory [endive]
occup. orn. coqueleux {m} [belge] [éleveur de coqs de combat](fighting) cock breeder
cuis. cornettes {f.pl} [suisse] [belge] [coquillettes]elbow pasta {sg}
cuis. cramique {m} [belge]currant loaf
cuis. cramique {m} [belge]fruit bread
cuis. cuberdon {m} [belge]cuberdon [cone-shaped Belgian sweet or candy]
constr. trafic cuberdon {m} [belge] [fam.] [cône de chantier]construction cone [esp. Am.]
constr. trafic cuberdon {m} [belge] [fam.] [cône de chantier]road cone
constr. trafic cuberdon {m} [belge] [fam.] [cône de chantier]traffic cone
constr. trafic cuberdon {m} [belge] [fam.] [cône de chantier]witch's hat [coll.] [traffic cone]
sport cumulet {m} [belge] [roulade]forward roll [gymnastics]
fin. dringuelle {f} [belge] [pourboire]consideration [tip, gratuity]
fin. dringuelle {f} [belge] [pourboire]gratuity
fin. dringuelle {f} [belge] [pourboire]tip
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