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French-English translation for: [attitude]
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Dictionary French English: [attitude]

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adulte {adj} [attitude]mature
ambigu {adj} {past-p} [attitude, parole]backhanded [coll.]
ambigu {adj} [attitude, parole]equivocal
ambigu {adj} [attitude, parole]equivocatory
ambigu {adj} [attitude, parole]double-barreled [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark]
ambigu {adj} [sentiment, attitude]ambivalent
attentiste {adj} [attitude]cautious
charmeur {adj} [attitude]charming
compassé {adj} [attitude, ton]prim [stiffly correct]
craignos {adj} [personne, lieu, attitude] [argot]scary [coll.]
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]acceptable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]defensible
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]justifiable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]maintainable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]supportable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]sustainable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]tenable
défendable {adj} [opinion, attitude]tolerable
déprimant {adj} {pres-p} [attitude]dispiriting
distant {adj} [attitude, comportement, air]reserved
doctrinaire {adj} [attitude]doctrinaire
dominateur {adj} [caractère, manières, attitude]overbearing
excessif {adj} [attitude]overzealous
insolent {adj} [enfant, ton, attitude]cheeky [coll.]
insolent {adj} [enfant, ton, attitude]lippy [cheeky]
intransigeant {adj} [attitude]uncompromising
morne {adj} [personne, attitude, silence]gloomy
paresseux {adj} [attitude]casual
pragmatique {adj} [personne, attitude]practical
prudent {adj} [attitude]wary
puéril {adj} [attitude, activité]puerile
scandaleux {adj} [attitude, mensonge, scene]disgraceful
concevoir qc. [attitude, réaction]to understand sth.
exprimer qc. [désaccord, attitude]to show sth. [e.g. disapprovement]
modérer qc. [attitude, politique]to soften sth. [attitude]
passer [attitude, pensée, doctrine]to be accepted
radicaliser qc. [attitude]to toughen sth. [attitude]
s'assouplir [position, attitude]to become less rigid
supporter qn./qc. [privations, malheur, attitude, conduite]to put up with sb./sth.
tolérer qc. [attitude]to wear sth. [tolerate]
tolérer qc. [attitude]to stand for sth. [tolerate]
transformer qc. [vêtement, attitude]to alter sth.
démarche {f} [attitude]
approach [attitude, behaviour]
affectation {f} [attitude]preciosity
dr. pol. assouplissement {m} [de règlement, politique, attitude]relaxing
badinage {m} [attitude]bantering
chichis {m.pl} [fam.] [attitude]airs (and graces)
contenance {f} [attitude]attitude [bearing]
indécence {f} [de tenue, attitude]indecency
maintien {m} [attitude]bearing
mièvrerie {f} [attitude]demeanor [Am.]
mièvrerie {f} [attitude]demeanour [Br.]
mièvrerie {f} [attitude]fuss
mièvrerie {f} [attitude]affected behavior [Am.]
mièvrerie {f} [attitude]affected behaviour [Br.]
mutisme {m} [attitude silencieuse]silence [of a person not speaking]
persiflage {m} [attitude]mockery
pose {f} [attitude pas naturelle]pose
2 Words: Others
de circonstance {adj} [sourire, attitude]artificial
de dénégation {adj} [geste, attitude]denying
pol. jusqu'au-boutiste {adj} [politique, attitude]hardline
par contenance {adv} [attitude](in order) to show willing
2 Words: Verbs
insister sur qc. [présentation, attitude]to put the emphasis on sth.
se durcir [ton, attitude, régime]to become harsher
se radicaliser [attitude]to toughen [attitude]
se raidir [fam.] [position, attitude, vues]to harden [position, attitude, views]
2 Words: Nouns
mauvais esprit {m} [attitude]scoffing attitude
5+ Words: Others
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? [attitude]What's all this about?
5+ Words: Verbs
rester en travers de la gorge de qn. [attitude, arrogance] [fam.] [fig.]to stick in sb.'s throat [coll.] [fig.]
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