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French-English translation for: [anglicisme]
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Dictionary French English: [anglicisme]

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

French English
briefer qn. [anglicisme]to inform sb.
briefer qn. [anglicisme]to let sb. know
checker qc. [anglicisme]to check sth.
inform. débugger qc. [anglicisme]to debug sth.
sport dribbler [soccer: anglicisme]to dribble
sport shooter [soccer: anglicisme]to shoot
tchéquer qc. [anglicisme]to examine sth.
inform. uploader qc. [anglicisme à éviter]to upload sth.
addiction {f} [anglicisme]addiction
addiction {f} [anglicisme]dependance [Am.]
addiction {f} [anglicisme]dependence
addiction {f} [anglicisme]dependency
addiction {f} [anglicisme]reliance [dependence]
boiler {m} [belge] [anglicisme] [chauffe-eau à accumulation]hot-water boiler
inform. clipboard {m} [anglicisme] [presse-papiers]clipboard [computer memory area]
copycat {m} [anglicisme]copycat
cuis. cupcake {m} [anglicisme]cupcake
designer {m} [anglicisme à éviter]designer [fashion]
méd. sport fitness {m} [anglicisme] [mise en forme]fitness
market. flyer {m} [anglicisme] [tract]flier [handbill]
market. flyer {m} [anglicisme] [tract]flyer [handbill]
sport goal {m} [faux anglicisme] [gardien de but]goalkeeper
chim. hydrocarbones {m.pl} [anglicisme]hydrocarbons
écon. inform. input {m} [anglicisme] [apport d'informations, de données]input
leasing {m} [anglicisme]leasing
magnet {m} [anglicisme]magnet [decorative]
inform. internet malware {m} [anglicisme] [programme / logiciel malveillant]malware
éduc. master {m} [anglicisme] [maîtrise]master's (degree)
must {m} [fam.] [anglicisme]necessity
inform. phishing {m} [anglicisme]phishing
chim. plastic {m} [anglicisme]gelignite
2 Words: Others
en live {adv} [anglicisme]live
2 Words: Nouns
cuis. méd. psych. binge drinking {m} [anglicisme]binge drinking
cuis. méd. psych. binge drinking {m} [anglicisme]heavy episodic drinking
body shaming {m} [fam.] [anglicisme]body shaming
inform. keyboard shortcut {m} [anglicisme] [raccourci clavier]keyboard shortcut
film making-of {m} [Anglicisme] [revue de tournage]making of
édition journ. RadioTV mass media {m.pl} [anglicisme] [médias de masse]mass media
ling. pol. politiquement correct {m} [anglicisme]political correctness
inform. télécom. QR code {m} [anglicisme]QR code
arts ready-made {m} [anglicisme]ready-made
bicyc. single track {m} [anglicisme]single track [also: singletrack]
cuis. drog. space cake {m} [fam.] [anglicisme]hash cookie
3 Words: Verbs
sport faire un dribbling [football: anglicisme]to go on a dribble
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