| French  | English |  |
 | bidon {adj} [fam.] [candidat, affaire, compagnie] | bogus |  |
 | classé {adj} {past-p} [affaire] | closed |  |
 | délicat {adj} [domaine, affaire, secteur, dossier, point, moment] | sensitive |  |
 | encombrant {adj} [personne, affaire, événement] | troublesome |  |
 | fameux {adj} [affaire] | notorious |  |
 | louche {adj} [affaire] | fishy [coll.] [odd, suspect] |  |
 | misérable {adj} [affaire] | pathetic |  |
 | régulier {adj} [affaire] | legit [coll.] [legitimate] |  |
 | régulier {adj} [affaire] | above board [legitimate] |  |
 | ténébreux {adj} [affaire, période] | obscure |  |
 | triste {adj} [résultat, fin, affaire] | dreadful |  |
 | véreux {adj} [affaire, contrat] | dodgy [coll.] [Br.] [dubious] |  |
 | véreux {adj} [affaire, contrat] | dubious |  |
 | véreux {adj} [affaire, contrat] | shady [dubious] |  |
Verbs |
 | régler qc. [dette, compte, affaire] | 5 to settle sth. [debt, account, dispute] |  |
 | boucler qc. [affaire, recherches, travail] | to wrap sth. up [finish] |  |
 | dr. pol. classer qc. [dossier, affaire] | to close sth. [matter, affair] |  |
 | décortiquer qc. [fig.] [affaire] | to examine sth. from every angle [idiom] |  |
 | dr. déférer qc. [affaire] | to refer sth. to a court |  |
 | dégrossir qc. [question, affaire] | to get a general idea of sth. |  |
 | démêler qc. [éclaircir une affaire] | to clarify sth. |  |
 | démêler qc. [éclaircir une affaire] | to elucidate sth. |  |
 | démêler qc. [éclaircir une affaire] | to bring sth. to light [idiom] |  |
 | démêler qc. [éclaircir une affaire] | to get to the bottom of sth. [idiom] |  |
 | démêler qc. [mystère, affaire] | to clear sth. up |  |
 | éclater [être révélé] [scandale, affaire, nouvelle] | to break |  |
 | embrouiller qn./qc. [personne, affaire] | to confuse sb./sth. |  |
 | étouffer qc. [affaire, scandale] | to hush sth. up |  |
 | grossir qc. [incident, affaire] | to exaggerate sth. |  |
 | lancer qc. [débat, affaire] | to set sth. going |  |
 | lancer qc. [débat, affaire] | to set sth. in motion |  |
 | lancer qc. [débat, affaire] | to get sth. up and running |  |
 | lancer qc. [mettre en train - affaire] | to set sth. up |  |
 | plaider qc. [cause, affaire] | to plead sth. |  |
 | presser qc. [affaire, choses] | to rush sth. |  |
 | traîner [fam.] [péj.] [s'éterniser - affaire, conversation, procédure] | to drag on [coll.] [pej.] |  |
Nouns |
 | aubaine {f} [bonne affaire] | 3 bargain [something cheaper than expected] |  |
 | dénouement {m} [affaire, roman, etc.] | 3 outcome [matter, novel etc.] |  |
 | comm. occasion {f} [affaire] | bargain [deal] |  |
 | rebondissement {m} [de procès, affaire] | twist [new development] |  |
 | suites {f.pl} [d'affaire, incident] | repercussions |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | se combiner [fam.] [plan, affaire] | to work out |  |
 | dr. se juger [affaire] | to be heard [case] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | aller son train [affaire] | to be getting on all right |  |
 | pol. avoir des casseroles [loc.] [se dit surtout d'un politicien qui a une affaire gênante] | to have a skeleton in the closet [idiom] |  |
 | donner suite à qc. [plainte, affaire] | to follow sth. up |  |
 | être bien parti [affaire] | to be shaping up well |  |
 | comm. dr. être en sommeil [loc.] [projet, affaire] | to be suspended |  |
 | comm. dr. être en sommeil [loc.] [projet, affaire] | to be on hold [idiom] |  |
 | comm. dr. être en sommeil [loc.] [projet, affaire] | to be on ice [idiom] |  |
 | se dépatouiller de qc. [situation, affaire] | to pull oneself out of sth. |  |
 | pol. traîner des casseroles [loc.] [se dit surtout d'un politicien qui a une affaire gênante] | to have a skeleton in the closet [idiom] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Valmy [1792] [aussi : bataille ou affaire du camp de la Lune] | Battle of Valmy [1792] [also: Cannonade of Valmy] [first major victory by the army of France during the Revolutionary Wars, preventing the Prussian Army marching on Paris] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | tirer la carotte à qn. [loc.] [chercher à duper dans une affaire médiocre] [vieilli ou régional] | to cheat sb. |  |
 | tirer la carotte à qn. [loc.] [chercher à duper dans une affaire médiocre] [vieilli ou régional] | to pull a fast one on sb. [coll.] [idiom] |  |
 | vouloir se retirer de qc. [accord, affaire] | to want out of sth. [e.g. a deal] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de l'île d'Aix [1809] [aussi : affaire des brûlots] | Battle of the Basque Roads [1809] [also: Battle of Aix Roads] [major naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars, leaving many French ships badly damaged or trapped in home ports] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | balayer qc. d'un revers de main [loc.] [affaire] | to discount sth. [disregard] |  |