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Partial Matches |
| hist. relig. l'Inquisition {f} espagnole [aussi : tribunal du Saint-Office de l'Inquisition] | the Spanish Inquisition [also: Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition] | |
| relig. évêché {m} | see [ecclesiastic office] | |
| mil. naut. amirauté {f} | Admiralty [office of admiral] | |
| cabinet {m} [général] | firm [office, practice] | |
| pol. relig. investiture {f} [installation] | installation [in office] | |
| poste {m} [emploi] | appointment [office, position] | |
| en fonction {adj} | incumbent [in office] | |
| relig. siège {m} épiscopal | see [ecclesiastic office] | |
| meub. cloison {f} | partition [in an office etc.] | |
| occup. du bureau {adj} | clerical [of office work] | |
| déménager | to move out [from home, office etc.] | |
| occup. départ {m} [d'employé] | exiting [from office, service] | |
| relig. épiscopat {m} | bishopric [title or office of bishop] | |
| pol. se porter candidat | to contest [for an office] | |
| aménagement {m} (en bureau) | expansion [of an office] | |
| fin. bureau {m} de change | currency exchange [office] [Am.] | |
| adm. pol. durée {f} du mandat | tenure [period in office] | |
| adm. pol. durée {f} du mandat | term [period in office] | |
| mil. déposer qn. [destituer] | to depose sb. [remove from office] | |
| méd. salle {f} de soins | surgery [Br.] [doctor's office] | |
| méd. cabinet {m} de consultation [médecin] | surgery [Br.] [doctor's office] | |
| pol. se porter candidate | to contest [for an office] [of a woman] | |
| pol. canard {m} boiteux [fig.] | lame duck [fig.] [Am.] [politician in office without power] | |
| assumer qc. [fonction, obligation, frais, risque etc.] | to assume sth. [responsibility, liability, office etc.] | |
| pol. démission {f} | demission [of office, function] | |
| édition relig. livre {m} d'heures | Book of Hours [abbreviated form of the breviary which contained the Divine Office recited in monasteries] | |
| adm. dr. fin. mettre qn. aux poursuites [suisse] [faire rentrer des dettes par l'office des poursuites] | to collect a debt from sb. [formal Swiss process] | |
| arch. géogr. pol. château {m} de Christiansborg | Christiansborg Palace [in Copengagen, seat of the Danish Parliament, the Danish Prime Minister's Office, and the Supreme Court of Denmark] | |
| arch. relig. cathédrale {f} de Winchester | Winchester Cathedral [also: Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Swithun] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. cathédrale {f} Saint-Guy [Prague] [aussi : cathédrale Saint-Guy, Saint-Venceslas et Saint-Adalbert] | St. Vitus Cathedral [also: Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert] | |
| géogr. pol. Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès {f} [aussi : Saint-Christophe-et-Nevis, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis ou Fédération de Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès] | Saint Kitts and Nevis <.kn> [also: Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. cathédrale {f} de Cologne [aussi : Haute Église Cathédrale Saint-Pierre et Sainte-Marie] | Cologne Cathedral [also: Cathedral Church of Saint Peter] | |
| philos. relig. Augustin {m} d'Hippone [354-430] [aussi : saint Augustin] | Augustine of Hippo [354-430] [also: Saint Augustine] | |
| périque {m} [tabac de la paroisse de Saint-Jacques en Louisiane] | perique [tobacco from Saint James Parish, Louisiana] | |
| géogr. hist. pol. Transleithanie {f} [1867 - 1918] [aussi : pays de la Couronne de saint Étienne] | Transleithania [1867 - 1918] [also: Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen or Arch-Kingdom of Hungary ] | |
| hist. mil. relig. ordre {m} de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem [ordre des Hospitaliers] | Knights Hospitaller [Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem] [Knights of Rhodes] [Knights of Malta] [Order of Saint John] | |
| hist. pol. Saint Louis {m} [Louis IX le Prudhomme] [1214-1270] | Louis IX [1214-1270] [also known as Saint Louis or Louis the Saint] [King of France 1226-1270 during a medieval golden age in which France reached an economic and political peak] | |
| géogr. Saint-Martin {f} [un territoire français situé dans les Caraïbes, dans la partie nord de l'île de Saint-Martin, dans les Antilles, et collectivité d'outre-mer française] | Saint Martin [also: the Collectivity of Saint Martin] [an overseas collectivity of France in the West Indies] | |
| relig. sanctuaire {m} [lieu saint] | shrine | |
| zool. T | | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} d'Autriche [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Austrian Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Bavière [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Bavarian Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Bourgogne [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Burgundian Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Franconie [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Franconian Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Souabe [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Swabian Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Hanovre [ancien État du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Electorate of Hanover | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Basse-Saxe [cercle impérial du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Lower Saxon Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Haute-Saxe [cercle impérial du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Upper Saxon Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Rhénanie électorale [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Electoral Rhenish Circle | |
| géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} du Haut-Rhin [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Upper Rhenish Circle | |