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Partial Matches |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} d'Autriche [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Austrian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Bavière [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Bavarian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Bourgogne [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Burgundian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Franconie [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Franconian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Souabe [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Swabian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Hanovre [ancien État du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Electorate of Hanover |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Rhénanie électorale [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Electoral Rhenish Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Basse-Saxe [cercle impérial du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Lower Saxon Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} du Haut-Rhin [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Upper Rhenish Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} de Haute-Saxe [cercle impérial du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Upper Saxon Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} du Bas-Rhin-Westphalie [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | Lower Rhenish–Westphalian Circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. cercle {m} impérial [groupement d'États du Saint-Empire romain] | imperial circle |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Brunswick-Lunebourg [ancien État du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg |  |
 | géogr. hist. relig. principauté {f} épiscopale de Münster [principauté ecclésiastique du Saint-Empire romain germanique] | Prince-Bishopric of Münster |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. principauté {f} d'Anhalt [1212-1918] [un des États du Saint-Empire romain] | Duchy of Anhalt [1212-1918] |  |
 | hist. pol. Sainte Ligue {f} [1684–1699] [composée du Saint-Empire romain germanique, de la république des Deux Nations (Pologne, Lituanie) et de la république de Venise] | Holy League [1684–1699] |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. Empire {m} sassanide [aussi : Empire des Iraniens ou Empire néo-perse] | Sasanian Empire [also: Sassanid Empire, Second Persian Empire or Neo-Persian Empire] |  |
 | mil. pol. disloquer qc. [empire] | to dismember sth. [empire] |  |
 | hist. monarchie {f} des Habsbourg [aussi : empire des Habsbourg] | Habsburg Monarchy [also: Danubian Monarchy or Habsburg Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856] | Treaty of Paris of 1856 [to end the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, the 2nd French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. chute {f} de Constantinople [1453] [Aussi : prise de Constantinople] | Fall of Constantinople [in 1453, the Ottoman Empire captured the capital of the Byzantine Empire, marking its end, and effectively the end of the Roman Empire] |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. Autriche-Hongrie {f} [aussi : Empire austro-hongrois] | Austria-Hungary [also: Austro-Hungarian Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856] | Treaty of Paris [1856] [ended the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom, the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Vienne [1683] | Battle of Vienna [1683] [the Holy Roman Empire defeated the Ottoman Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Tchaldiran [1514] | Battle of Chaldiran [1514] [decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Samarra [363] | Battle of Samarra [363] [Sasanian Empire defeated Roman Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Koutchouk-Kaïnardji [1774] | Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca [1774] [between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, ending the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–74] |  |
 | hist. Empire {m} byzantin [330 - 1453] [aussi : Empire romain d'Orient] | Byzantine Empire [330 - 1453] [also: Eastern Roman Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Saint-Pétersbourg [1812] | Treaty of Saint Petersburg [1812] [between Sweden and the Russian Empire, establishing an alliance against the French Empire of Napoleon] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Manzikert [1071] | Battle of Manzikert [1071] [also: Battle of Malazgirt] [decisive defeat of the Byzantine Empire by the Seljuk Empire] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} des champs Catalauniques [451] [aussi: bataille de Campus Mauriacus] | Battle of the Catalaunian Plains [451] [Western Roman Empire defeated the Hunnic Empire] [also: Battle of the Campus Mauriacus] |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Deuxième Coalition [1798-1802] | War of the Second Coalition [1798-1802] [conflicts between France, supported by Spain, and several European powers (Britain, Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Ottoman Empire, Russia & Tuscany)] |  |
 | pol. effondrement {m} [empire] | downfall |  |
 | chancelant {adj} {pres-p} [empire, trône] | tottering |  |
 | pol. périr [empire, régime] | to fall |  |
 | pol. effondrement {m} [empire] | break-up |  |
 | pol. sociol. crouler [se désintégrer - empire, société] | to be crumbling |  |
 | se disloquer [machine, armoire, empire] | to break apart |  |
 | se disloquer [machine, armoire, empire] | to split apart |  |
 | hist. pol. diète {f} impériale | Imperial Diet [Holy Roman Empire] |  |
 | pol. dissoudre qc. [empire, institutions, alliance] | to break up sth. |  |
 | derniers soubresauts {m.pl} [de personne, d'animal, empire] | death throes |  |
 | se tailler qc. [carrière, empire] | to carve out sth. for oneself |  |
 | hist. Koulak {m} [péj.] [désignait, dans l'Empire russe, un prospère fermier] | Kulak |  |
 | pol. sociol. crouler [se désintégrer - empire, société] | to be on the verge of collapse |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Mayence | Electorate of Mainz [ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire] |  |
 | géogr. hist. pol. électorat {m} de Trèves | Electorate of Trier [ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire] |  |
 | hist. Tamerlan {m} | Tamerlane [founder of the Turko-Mongol Timurid Empire] [also known as Amur Timur] |  |
 | hist. mil. relig. insurrection {f} d'avril 1876 [organisée par les Bulgares contre l'Empire ottoman] | April Uprising [1876] |  |
 | désintégration {f} | collapse [of an empire, of a family, etc.] |  |