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Dictionary French English: [J C]

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géogr. hist. pol. confédération {f} béotienne [VIIe siècle av. J.-C. - 387 av. J.-C.]Boeotia [region of ancient Greece]
hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} médiques [490 av. J.-C. - 479 av. J.-C.]Greco-Persian Wars [also: Persian Wars]
géogr. hist. pol. royaume {m} de Macédoine [viie siècle av. J.-C. 168 av. J.-C.]Macedonia [ancient kingdom]
hist. mil. pol. ligue {f} de Délos [477 av. J.-C. - 404 av. J.-C.]Delian League
géogr. hist. pol. civilisation {f} carthaginoise [814 av. J.-C. 146 av. J.-C.]Ancient Carthage
géogr. hist. pol. civilisation {f} punique [814 av. J.-C. 146 av. J.-C.]Ancient Carthage
géogr. hist. pol. Royauté {f} romaine [753 av. J.-C. 509 av. J.-C.]Roman Kingdom
géogr. hist. pol. Royauté {f} romaine [753 av. J.-C. 509 av. J.-C.]Roman monarchy
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} civile de César [49  45 av. J.-C.] [aussi : guerre civile romaine de 49 av. J.-C. ou guerre civile entre César et Pompée]Caesar's civil war [49 - 45 BC]
hist. pol. dynastie {f} Han [206 av. J.-C. 220]Han dynasty
géogr. hist. pol. Empire {m} romain [27 av. J.-C. 395]Roman Empire
archéo. dr. hist. code {m} d'Hammourabi [texte juridique babylonien daté d'environ 1750 av. J.-C.]Code of Hammurabi
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bibracte [58 av. J.-C.]Battle of Bibracte [58 BC] [Roman army defeated the Helvetii]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Bénévent [275 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille de Beneventum]Battle of Beneventum [275 BC] [victory of Roman Republic over Pyrrhus]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Cannes [216 av. J.-C.]Battle of Cannae [216 BC] [Hannibal's Carthaginian army heavily defeated the Roman army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Marathon [490 av. J.-C.]Battle of Marathon [490 BC ] [Greek army inflicted a crushing defeat on the Persians]
hist. mil. pol. guerres {f.pl} puniques [264 - 146 av. J.-C.] [aussi : guerres romano-carthaginoises]Punic Wars [264  146 BC] [between the Roman Republic and Carthage]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Salamine [480 av. J.-C.]Battle of Salamis [480 BC] [decisive victory for the Greek city-states against the Persian Empire]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Pyrrhus [280 - 275 av. J.-C.]Pyrrhic War [280–275 BC] [between the Roman Republic and Pyrrhus, the king of Epiru]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Gaugamèles [331 av. J.-C.] [aussi : bataille d'Arbèles]Battle of Gaugamela [331 BC] [Alexander the Great defeated King Darius III] [also: Battle of Arbela]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Megiddo [609 av. J.-C.]Battle of Megiddo [609 BC] [Pharaoh of Egypt defeated Kingdom of Judah]
math. onom. phys. Archimède {m} de Syracuse [287-212 av J-C]Archimedes of Syracuse [287-212 BC]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} des Gaules [58 - 50 av. J.-C.]Gallic Wars {pl} [58–50 BC] [waged by the Roman general Julius Caesar against the peoples of Gaul]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Issos [333 av. J.-C.]Battle of Issus [333 BC] [also: Battle of Issos] [Macedonian troops, under Alexander the Great, defeated the Persian forces]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} du lac Trasimène [217 av. J.-C.]Battle of Lake Trasimene [217 BC] [Hannibal's Carthaginian army heavily defeated the Roman army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} du Métaure [207 av. J.-C.]Battle of the Metaurus [207 BC] [Roman army routed the Carthaginian army, confirming Roman supremacy over Italy]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Zama [202 av. J.-C.]Battle of Zama [202 BC] [Roman army heavily defeated Hannibal's Carthaginian army, ending the 2nd Punic War]
géogr. hist. pol. Urartu {m} [aussi : Ourartou] [royaume constitué vers le ixe siècle av. J.-C. sur le haut-plateau arménien, autour du lac de Van]Urartu [also: Kingdom of Van]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Carthage [149-146 av. J.-C.]siege of Carthage [149 - 146 BC] [Roman victory and destruction of Carthage]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} de Sagonte [219-218 av. J.-C.]siege of Saguntum [219 - 218 BC] [victory of Carthaginians over the Saguntines, triggering the 2nd Punic War]
hist. mil. pol. siège {m} d'Alésia [52 av. J.-C.]siege of Alesia [52 BC] [also: battle of Alesia] [Roman victory over confederation of Gallic tribes, completing the conquest of Gaul]
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