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French-English translation for: [Belle-Alliance]
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Dictionary French English: [Belle Alliance]

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hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Waterloo [1815] [aussi : bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean ou Victoire de la Belle-Alliance]Battle of Waterloo [1815] [Napoleon's French army was decisively defeated by the combined Anglo-Allied and Prussian armies, marking the final end of the Napoleonic Wars]
hist. mil. pol. Triplice {f} [1882 - 1915] [aussi : Triple-Alliance]Triple Alliance [1882 - 1915] [defensive military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de la Ligue d'Augsbourg [1688-1697] [aussi: guerre de Neuf Ans, guerre de la Succession palatine ou guerre de la Grande Alliance]Nine Years' War [1688-1697] [also: War of the Grand Alliance or War of the League of Augsburg]
contre-nature {adj} [alliance]unholy
pol. apparentement {m} [alliance électorale]electoral alliance
pol. apparentement {m} [alliance électorale]electoral coalition
se défaire [alliance, amitié, liaison]to break up
concrétiser qc. [alliance, stratégie]to make sth. concrete
sociol. alliés {m.pl} [parents par alliance]in-laws [coll.]
pol. dissoudre qc. [empire, institutions, alliance]to break up sth.
pol. conclure qc. [alliance, traité]to enter into sth. [agree]
bible arche {f} du Seigneur [fam.] [arche d(e l)'alliance]Ark of the Covenant
hist. pol. Empire {m} aztèque [aussi : Empire mexica]Aztec Empire [also: Triple Alliance]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Windsor [1386]Treaty of Windsor [1386] [diplomatic alliance signed between Portugal and England]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Djerba [1560]Battle of Djerba [1560] [naval victory of Ottomans against Christian Alliance fleet]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} de Préveza [1538]Battle of Preveza [1538] [naval victory of Ottomans against Christian Alliance fleet]
hist. mil. pol. ligue {f} (du pays) de Souabe [1488 - 1534]Swabian League [1488 - 1534] [military alliance of imperial estates in Swabia]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Compiègne [1635]Treaty of Compiègne [1635] [mutual defence alliance between the Kingdom of France and Sweden]
hist. pol. Sainte-Alliance {f} [1815]Holy Alliance [1815] [also: Grand Alliance] [coalition linking the monarchist great powers of Austria, Prussia and Russia]
hist. mil. pol. bataille de Ramillies {noun} [1706]Battle of Ramillies [1706] [in War of the Spanish Succession, the Grand Alliance defeated France]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1515]Treaty of Paris [1515] [cemented alliance between Charles V of France and House of Valois]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Compiègne [1624]Treaty of Compiègne [1624] [mutual defence alliance between the Kingdom of France and the Dutch Republic]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} du Bien public [1465]War of the Public Weal [1465] [conflict between the king of France and an alliance of feudal nobles]
hist. mil. pol. guerre {f} de Crimée [1853-1856]Crimean War [1853-1856] [ Russia lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia]
hist. pol. traité {m} de Finkenstein [1807]Treaty of Finckenstein [1807] [concluded between France and Persia (modern-day Iran) in the Finckenstein Palace (now Kamieniec, Poland) formalising the Franco-Persian alliance]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} d'Audenarde [1708]Battle of Oudenarde [1708] [also: Battle of Oudenaarde] [great victory for the Grand Alliance over France in the War of the Spanish Succession]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Saint-Pétersbourg [1812]Treaty of Saint Petersburg [1812] [between Sweden and the Russian Empire, establishing an alliance against the French Empire of Napoleon]
hist. pol. traités {m.pl} de Stockholm [1719 et 1720]Treaties of Stockholm [1719 and 1720] [ending the war between Sweden and an alliance of Hanover and Prussia]
hist. pol. ligue {f} du Bien public [1465]League of the Public Weal [an alliance of feudal nobles organized in 1465 in defiance of the centralized authority of King Louis XI of France]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856]Treaty of Paris of 1856 [to end the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, the 2nd French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1856]Treaty of Paris [1856] [ended the Crimean War between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom, the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia]
hist. pol. ligue {f} de Cognac [1527 - 1530]League of Cognac [1527 - 1530] [Alliance of Kingdom of France, Pope Clement VII, the Republic of Venice, the Kingdom of England, the Duchy of Milan, and the Republic of Florence]
géogr. Belle-Île-en-Mer {f} [île française] [aussi : Belle-Île]Belle-Île [also: Belle-Île-en-Mer, or Belle Isle]
hist. Belle Époque {f}Belle Époque [also: belle époque, belle epoque, La Belle Époque]
porter beau [loc.] [avoir belle allure]to look good
baratineuse {f} [fam.] [belle parleuse]smooth talker [coll.] [female]
se tailler qc. [belle réputation]to make sth. for oneself
demi-frère {m} [fils du beau-père ou de la belle-mère]stepbrother
demi-sœur {f} [fille du beau-père ou de la belle-mère]stepsister
demi-frère {m} [fils du beau-père ou de la belle-mère]step-brother
demi-sœur {f} [fille du beau-père ou de la belle-mère]step-sister
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