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Dictionary French English: [Anglo French]

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géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} des Arapiles [1812]Battle of Salamanca [1812] [Anglo-Portuguese army defeated French forces at Arapiles, near Salamanca, resulting in French loss of Andulasia & Madrid]
hist. mil. pol. seconde guerre {f} de l'opium [1856-1860]Second Opium War [1856-1860] [also: Second Anglo-Sino War, the Second China War, the Arrow War, or the Anglo-French expedition to China]
hist. mil. Bataille {f} de Bouvines [1214]Battle of Bouvines [the concluding battle of the Anglo-French War of 1213–1214.A French army under King Philip Augustus defeated an Allied army under Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV]
hist. mil. naut. première bataille {f} d'Ouessant [1778]First Battle of Ushant [1778] [indecisive naval battle in Anglo-French War of 1778]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1303]Treaty of Paris [1303] [ended the Anglo-French War of 1294–1303]
hist. mil. bataille {f} des Quatre Bras [1815]Battle of Quatre Bras [1815] [although the Anglo-Allied army defeated the left wing of Napoleon's French army, it was not decisive]
géogr. hist. mil. siège {m} de Badajoz [1812]siege of Badajoz [also: 3rd siege of Badajoz] [one of the bloodiest sieges in the Napoleonic Wars, where Anglo-Portuguese Army forced the surrender of the French garrison]
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Buçaco [1810]Battle of Buçaco [1810] [also: Battle of Bussaco] [major battle in the Portuguese mountains, which resulted in the defeat of French forces by Lord Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese Army]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Waterloo [1815] [aussi : bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean ou Victoire de la Belle-Alliance]Battle of Waterloo [1815] [Napoleon's French army was decisively defeated by the combined Anglo-Allied and Prussian armies, marking the final end of the Napoleonic Wars]
hist. mil. naut. bataille {f} d'Aboukir [1798]Battle of the Nile [1798] [also: Battle of Aboukir Bay] [decisive naval battle - after Napoleon landed his army, Nelson destroyed the French fleet, trapping the French army in Egypt]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {m} de Vimeiro [1808]Battle of Vimeiro [1808] [the British under General Wellesley defeated the French under General Junot, putting an end to the first French invasion of Portugal]
hist. pol. serment {m} du Jeu de paume [1789]Tennis Court Oath [a pivotal event in the French Revolution. In 1789, the members of the French Third Estate voted "not to separate until the Constitution of the kingdom is established"]
Sois ...Be ... [French informal]
Bottin {m}®[French telephone directory]
Soyez ...Be ... [French formal or plural]
gris {m} [tabac gris][French shag tobacco]
alim. cuis. briquette {f} de brebis[French sheep cheese]
internet trafic Bison {m} Futé[French traffic information service]
adm. fin. ASSEDIC {f.pl} [indemnisation chômage][French unemployment insurance]
ethn. géogr. Romande {f}Romand [French-speaking Swiss woman]
dr. hist. bagnard {m}deported criminal [to Australia, French Guyana]
elle {pron}it [French grammatically feminine verb subjects]
cuis. géogr. pimentade {f}[French Guianan fish and chili dish]
hist. louis {m} [fam.][French slang for: twenty francs]
adm. internet sociol. Assurance {f} Maladie <ameli>[French social security website]
cuis. pâte {f} de fruits[French speciality fruit bonbon]
adm. ASSEDIC {f} [assurance chômage][French unemployment insurance agency]
ling. belgicisme {m}Belgicism [Belgian French word or phrase]
baiser {m} profondpash [Aus.] [sl.] [French kiss]
géogr. Wallonie {f}Wallonia [French-speaking part of Belgium]
dr. hist. bagnarde {f}deported criminal [to Australia, French Guyana] [female]
mil. occup. poilu {m} [fam.][French soldier in World War I]
cuis. Car-en-sac {f}® [confiserie][brand of French liquorice confectionery]
hist. mil. vêt. bonnet {m} d'oursonbearskin [headgear worn by French grenadiers]
hist. mil. maquisard {m}maquis [member of the French Resistance in WW2]
baiser {m} langue en bouchepash [Aus.] [sl.] [French kiss]
Fête {f} nationale <14 juillet>Bastille Day [French National Day]
tutoyer qn.[to address someone with the French familiar pronoun "tu"]
hist. mil. maquisarde {f}maquis [member of the French Resistance in WW2] [female]
sport Allez les Bleus ![shout of encouragement for the French national team]
sociol. image {f} d'Epinal[simplistic 19th century print of traditional French life]
hist. États {m.pl} généraux [1789, France] [aussi états généraux]Estates-General [French history]
éduc. occup. censeur {m} [d'un lycée]second master [in a French grammar school]
occup. pol. présidente {f} du ConseilPresident of the Council [female French Prime Minister]
dr. méd. sociol. visite {f} prénuptiale obligatoirecompulsory pre-marriage medical check [in French law]
cuis. poutine {f} [can.][Canadian speciality : French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy]
naut. coup {m} de tabac [fam.][French maritime slang for: short and violent storm]
géogr. Outre-Sarine {f} [suisse]German-speaking Switzerland [as viewed from French-speaking Switzerland]
dr. obligation {f} de quitter le territoire français <OQTF>[demand that someone leaves French territory]
naut. battre pavillon [p. ex. français, anglais]to fly the flag [e.g. French, English]
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