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Partial Matches |
| cuis. bière {f} écossaise | heavy [Scot.] [beer between 3.5 and 4% ABV] | |
| minér. apatite {f} [(Ca,Ba,Pb,Sr,etc.)5(PO4,CO3)3(F,Cl,OH)] | apatite [(Ca,Ba,Pb,Sr,etc.)5(PO4,CO3)3(F,Cl,OH)] | |
| minér. calcioburbankite {f} [Na3(Ca,Ce,La,Sr)3(CO3)5] | calcioburbankite | |
| math. pentachore {m} [aussi : 5-cellules] | tetrahedral pyramid [also: 5-cell] | |
| math. pentachore {m} [aussi : 5-cellules] | pentachoron [also: 5-cell] | |
| math. pentachore {m} [aussi : 5-cellules] | pentahedroid [also: 5-cell] | |
| math. pentachore {m} [aussi : 5-cellules] | pentatope [also: 5-cell] | |
| Reçu cinq sur cinq ! [aussi : 5 sur 5] [loc.] | Alrighty! [Am.] [coll.] | |
| recevoir cinq sur cinq [loc.] [aussi : 5 sur 5] | to clearly and distinctly understand | |
| Reçu cinq sur cinq ! [aussi : 5 sur 5] [loc.] | Say no more! [idiom] | |
| Reçu cinq sur cinq ! [aussi : 5 sur 5] [loc.] | Got it. [coll.] [idiom] [I understand.] | |
| sport poids {m} welter [aussi : poids welters] | welterweight [63.5-67 kg] | |
| écol. barrière {f} à dingos [long de 5 320 kilomètres, en Australie] | Dingo Fence | |
| bot. écol. espèce {f} indicatrice d'acidité [espèce végétale qui requiert pour son développement naturel un substrat acide, pH < 5] | acidity-indicating species | |
| cuis. cinq à sept {m} [can.] [fam.] | afternoon get-together [in Quebec] [similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m.] | |
| arch. géogr. relig. basilique {f} Saint-Denis [église située au centre de la ville de Saint-Denis, à 5 kilomètres au nord de Paris] | Basilica of Saint-Denis | |
| minér. almandin {m} [Fe32+Al2(SiO4)3] | almandine | |
| écon. occup. trois-huit {m.pl} [3 x 8] | shiftwork {sg} | |
| unit cent livres {m.pl} [45,3 kg] | hundredweight {sg} [Am.] | |
| écon. occup. trois-huit {m.pl} [3 x 8] | shift work {sg} | |
| immo. trois-pièces {m} [3 pièces] | three-room flat [Br.] | |
| drog. MDMA {f} [3,4-méthylènedioxy-N-méthylamphétamine] | ecstasy [coll.] [tablet form] | |
| drog. MDMA {f} [3,4-méthylènedioxy-N-méthylamphétamine] | molly [coll.] [crystal form] | |
| chim. hydroxyde {m} d'aluminium [Al(OH)₃] | aluminum hydroxide [Am.] | |
| immo. trois-pièces {m} [3 pièces] | three-room apartment [chiefly Am.] | |
| immo. trois-pièces {m} [3 pièces] | two-bedroom apartment [esp. Am.] | |
| occup. faire les trois-huits [3 x 8] | to work shifts | |
| géogr. îles {f.pl} du Salut [3 îlots d'origine volcanique rattachés à la Guyane] | Salvation Islands | |
| chim. hydroxyde {m} d'aluminium [Al(OH)₃] | aluminium hydroxide [Br.] | |
| chim. borate {m} de triéthyle [C6H15BO3, B(OCH2CH3)3] | triethyl borate | |
| chim. borate {m} de triméthyle [C3H9BO3, B(OCH3)3] | trimethyl borate | |
| chim. nitrate {m} de lanthane [La(NO3)3] | lanthanum(III) nitrate | |
| chim. trihydroxyde {m} d'indium [In(OH)3] | indium trihydroxide | |
| chim. nitrate {m} d'aluminium [Al(NO₃)₃] | aluminum nitrate [Am.] [Can.] | |
| chim. hydroxyde {m} de chrome(III) [Cr(OH)3] | chromium(III) hydroxide | |
| drog. MDMA {f} [3,4-méthylènedioxy-N-méthylamphétamine] | 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine <MDMA> | |
| alim. chim. sulfate {m} d'aluminium [Al2(SO4)3] [E-520] | aluminium sulphate [Br.] | |
| chim. sulfate {m} d'aluminium [Al2(SO4)3] [E-520] | aluminum sulfate [Am.] | |
| éduc. sci. bachelor {m} [bac+3, licence] | bachelor's degree | |
| assur. sociol. 2e pilier {m} [prévoyance professionnelle en Suisse] | Swiss Pension Fund [2nd pillar of the 3 pillar Swiss Pension System] | |
| minér. jamesite {f} [PbZnFe2(Fe,Zn)3 [(OH,O)2|(OH)8|(AsO4)4]] | jamesite | |
| chim. hydroxyde {m} d'indium(III) [In(OH)3] | indium(III) hydroxide | |
| chim. hydroxyde {m} de gallium(III) [Ga(OH)3] | gallium(III) hydroxide | |
| chim. nitrate {m} d'aluminium [Al(NO₃)₃] | aluminium nitrate [Br.] | |
| chim. nitrate {m} d'yttrium [Y(NO3)3] | yttrium nitrate | |
| chim. trinitrate {m} de rhodium [Rh(NO3)3] | rhodium trinitrate | |
| chim. sulfate {m} de rhodium(III) [Rh2(SO4)3] | rhodium(III) sulfate [Am.] | |
| chim. nitrate {m} de rhodium(III) [Rh(NO3)3] | rhodium(III) nitrate | |
| unit kilo- {prefix} <k> [10 ^ 3] | kilo- <k> | |
| unit milli- {prefix} <m> [10 ^ -3] | milli- <m> | |
| hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Forbach-Spicheren [1870] [aussi : bataille de Spicheren ou bataille de Forbach] | Battle of Spicheren [1870] [also: Battle of Forbach] [2nd of 3 critical French defeats in the Franco-Prussian War] | |