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French-English translation for: [1815]
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Dictionary French English: [1815]

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géogr. hist. pol. Confédération {f} germanique [1815 - 1866]German Confederation [1815 - 1866]
math. onom. philos. George {m} Boole [1815-1864]George Boole [1815-1864]
hist. pol. Sainte-Alliance {f} [1815]Holy Alliance [1815] [also: Grand Alliance] [coalition linking the monarchist great powers of Austria, Prussia and Russia]
3 Words
hist. mil. bataille {f} de Ligny [1815] [aussi : bataille de Fleurus]Battle of Ligny [1815] [the last victory for Napoleon; the French army defeat of the Prussian army was not decisive]
hist. mil. pol. bataille {f} de Waterloo [1815] [aussi : bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean ou Victoire de la Belle-Alliance]Battle of Waterloo [1815] [Napoleon's French army was decisively defeated by the combined Anglo-Allied and Prussian armies, marking the final end of the Napoleonic Wars]
hist. pol. congrès {m} de Vienne [1814-1815]Congress of Vienna [1814-1815]
géogr. hist. pol. duché {m} de Clèves [1417-1815]Duchy of Cleves [1417-1815] [a State of the Holy Roman Empire, situated in the northern Rhineland, today part in Germany and part in the Netherlands]
hist. mil. pol. les Cent-Jours {m.pl} [1815]The Hundred Days [1815] [also: War of the Seventh Coalition]
géogr. hist. pol. Royaume {m} de Dalmatie [1815 - 1918]Kingdom of Dalmatia [1815 - 1918]
hist. mil. pol. traité {m} de Paris [1815]Treaty of Paris [1815] [also: Second Treaty of Paris] [ after the defeat and the second abdication of Napoleon Bonaparte]
4 Words
hist. mil. bataille {f} des Quatre Bras [1815]Battle of Quatre Bras [1815] [although the Anglo-Allied army defeated the left wing of Napoleon's French army, it was not decisive]
5+ Words
géogr. hist. mil. bataille {f} de La Nouvelle-Orléans [1815]Battle of New Orleans [1815]
hist. mil. occup. Gendarmes {m.pl} d'élite de la Garde impériale [1801-1815]élite gendarmes of the Imperial Guard [1801-1815] [unit formed by Napoleon to protect the Imperial HQ (in war) and Consular offices (in peace)]
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